A STIRLING profitable to himself?

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View manoria68 » 25/08/10, 08:53

thank you chatelot16 for these clear explanations :P
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View manoria68 » 25/08/10, 09:14

I had not seen the subject on the magnets: http://moldex.pagesperso-orange.fr/energia.htm
It's beautiful science fiction : Cheesy:
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View dirk pitt » 25/08/10, 11:05

yeah, magnets are always fantasizing.

I admit that I got caught up in the game also until the day when someone told me to consider magnets as the equivalent of springs in mechanics.
the magnet is a spring which does not have intrinsic energy but which can store the force which one exerts on him to restore it then.
in fact, for one magnet to repel another, you must first have exerted an equivalent approximation effort ... like a spring.

it is more "visual" and who would want to try to make an engine which would draw its force from springs which relax and compress themselves ??? everyone would tell you immediately: this can't work. but with magnets, it always makes you dream.
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View Capt_Maloche » 25/08/10, 11:13

manoria68 wrote:I had not seen the subject on the magnets: http://moldex.pagesperso-orange.fr/energia.htm
It's beautiful science fiction : Cheesy:

Ah yes, but ...

All these diagrams are unfortunately wrong, because it reasons with the position of the magnets and forces instead of reasoning with the magnetic field lines produced by the associations of magnets

see for example the explanation of the "little train" very clever magnetic assembly which seems magical at first glance and whose simple explanation is highlighted with the field lines:


Me wrote: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7q4zr ... tique_tech
nice guy, but what he calls a "peak of potential" is an area where 3 magnetic circuits intersect:

1 of large range formed by the assembly of the 2 magnets with the wooden block
a 2nd which I would call 1bis in opposition with the flux lines between the 2 magnets and whose direction is opposite
and the third formed by the magnet alone

Come on, a little diagram:

lines that go in the same direction attract, those in opposition repel

circuit 1 with a long range weakly attracts the magnet, while circuit 1bis, shorter but more powerful, keeps it at a distance.

conversely, when the magnet is reversed, it is first repelled by circuit 1, but as soon as it approaches the more powerful circuit 1bis, it sticks

it is a balance all the more astonishing as it will be necessarily stable because the flow of circuits 1 and 1bis are the same !! this is what makes this montage interesting, very clever indeed. to meditate for our tours :D

there is nothing inexplicable in this demonstration 8)

It is worth looking at it closely, because this clever little assembly, by virtue of its perfect balance, demonstrates that the "magnetic flux" is a closed system, from which one cannot in principle draw any energy.energy.

You have to put yourself on magnetic circuits, the only way to understand complex assemblies

EH TOFF, you could grab this video for the
to place on Econo?
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View dedeleco » 25/08/10, 13:41

Instead of delusional in dreams of perpetual movement, here are the secrets of a functional do-it-yourself Stirling that can be piston-free and very real that works:

http://psfvip4.univ-fcomte.fr/sft081220 ... enelet.pdf
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLQZFefG ... re=related

etc ..
Everything is in the form of resonators without moving parts and piezo or speaker instead of the piston !!
With piston:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS5KZl0M ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q ... ousti&aq=f
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGiSJVrz ... re=related

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View chatelot16 » 25/08/10, 14:22

all your dreams of thermoacoustics are far less wacky than dreams of perpetual motion, but unfortunately are not yet stored in the profitable to do yourself

rather see the one netshaman has just found!
https://www.econologie.com/forums/plans-pour ... t9922.html
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View dedeleco » 25/08/10, 15:25

Beautiful mechanics,
but very recent research on thermoacoustics has led to achievements, but given the commercial, even military and space, we don't give everything with plans to copy stupidly, except the basics in scientific articles to understand for a valid realization without any moving part (with resonator) and therefore simpler mechanical. !!
See the articles mentioned with realizations !!
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View MICROTECH » 18/12/10, 22:31

Hello dedeleco,

A very nice discussion but I never saw the name of this company appear with Lee Fellow who is CONCRETE developing a real high power Thermo-acoustic generator: TAR
The only mechanical part still in motion is the electric generator which seen from afar is a very special speaker capable of withstanding the shock waves of a monotonous sound under a pressure of 60 bars (or more)
this is where the tour begins:
I hope we can continue with those who believe in it. It is possible to replace the connecting rods and pistons with resonant waves. The piston is then a shock wave but capable of working at high frequency. Thus the miniaturization of the power is of the same order of magnitude as the transition from 50hz power supplies to that of series resonant HF transformers.
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View perplex » 20/06/11, 11:51

I'm not an expert, but this stuff is a bit disturbing!


What do you think?
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View Capt_Maloche » 22/06/11, 23:49


I read diagonally but
the idea is to recover a part of the thermal energy unexploited mechanically on a stirling, usually dispensed in losses

it would amount to doing a sort of "4-stroke" stirling by adding 2 countercurrent exchangers to increase the efficiency of converting thermal energy into mechanical energy

that's it?
They don't mention their performance estimates

Are they on a prototype?
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"Consumption is similar to a search consolation, a way to fill a growing existential void. With, the key, a lot of frustration and a little guilt, increasing the environmental awareness." (Gérard Mermet)


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