A STIRLING profitable to himself?

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View chatelot16 » 24/08/10, 18:19

elephant wrote:deledeco said:

An acoustic wave dynamically performs this compression which is thermodynamic, adiabatic and non adiabatic with exchanger, and it works, even commercially, read all the scientific articles, because the analysis is very serious and recent understanding.

he may be right, but I understand even less : Cry: : Cry: : Cry:

don't worry me either i don't understand this sentence ...

but I note one thing with the acoustic stirlig: they only serve as a refrigerating machine (I conclude that they have too much loss to serve as an engine) they have the advantage of not having any moving part in the cold part so do not pose a problem at very low temperatures
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View dedeleco » 24/08/10, 18:39

Read the many scientific articles, progress and applications.
The motor gives vibrations usable like a real motor and not only to make a fridge.
I'm just admiring.
In my opinion it is underused, maybe because of reactions like yours, too fast ???
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View elephant » 24/08/10, 18:45

We don't react! We ask for explanations because we don't really understand how it works, that's all!
re : Cry:
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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2! http://www.caroloo.be
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View elephant » 24/08/10, 19:11

In fact, it's a whole site! There are other things in it:

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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2! http://www.caroloo.be
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View manoria68 » 24/08/10, 20:25

What debates !!!

Me, I thought of using stirling on a boiler, and not solar as indicated on the site. It also seemed impossible to me.

But when you see the rest of the site (I didn't know it was a whole site)
we see that it is someone who has great ideas, but ...
and I emphasize but...
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View dedeleco » 24/08/10, 22:02

We ask for explanations because we don't really understand how it works, that's all!
re Crying or Very Sad

It works like a Stirling giving work in the form of spontaneous acoustic waves which can quickly move a piston or any converter of oscillations towards electricity.
One can recover without moving parts in energy part of the waste heat, as for example on cars.

popular article with benchmarks:
http://www.americanscientist.org/issues ... issue.aspx

read all google on thermoacoustic or thermoacoustic:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoacou ... air_engine
electric generator:
http://arstechnica.com/old/content/2007 ... ations.ars


http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_o ... 415896f45e
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View Forhorse » 24/08/10, 22:10

elephant wrote:In fact, it's a whole site! There are other things in it:


Yeah ... a lot of ideas (some of which are useless or obsolete before they are even invented) a lot of blah, but nothing concrete.
Rather, this good man should focus on an idea and bring it to life.
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View chatelot16 » 24/08/10, 22:49

dedeleco wrote:chatelot16 writes:
there is really too much error in it for me to believe

Since these are fairly general principles, it would be good to clarify the list of errors, to be informative and to improve.

Likewise do the list of errors with Atmos, which uses the same principle.

back to the site cited in the first message: at the beginning I didn't understand anything ... and I was content to see little errors ...

else there we saw thermo acoustic ....

it's much simpler: there is an exchanger in the cylinder head which is alternately supplied with hot and cold air

we heat the exchanger it expands and it pushes the piston, we cool the exchanger and the piston returns

it is impractical: it will be even slower than normal stirling: each change of temperature of this unique exchanger will require a quantity of heat considerably greater than the heat actually used by this engine

all the trick of true stirling is to leave the hot part always hot, and the cold part always cold: the displacer moves the biggest part of the volume towards the hot or cold side, but does not ask to change the surface temperatures

asking the gas contained in the stirling to take the temperature of the surfaces already makes it quite slow, but making an engine whose exchanger must change temperature completely with each cycle will make it lamentably slow: in the kind of pendulum which work with the difference temperature between day and night

for a heat exchanger to be able to change temperature once per cycle, the wall would have to be very thin: therefore it would not bear any pressure and would not generate power

to make an interesting power with a stirling you need pressure, so thick walls, therefore constant temperatures, so do the real stirling that the great stirling invented, or make the real steam engine which has proven itself
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View elephant » 24/08/10, 22:59

chatelot 16 wrote:

all the trick of true stirling is to leave the hot part always hot, and the cold part always cold: the displacer moves the biggest part of the volume towards the hot or cold side, but does not ask to change the surface temperatures

and I subscribe to it! I understand : Mrgreen:

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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2! http://www.caroloo.be
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View dedeleco » 24/08/10, 23:35

The Atmos clock is slow enough to walk (half a day) !!

Finally the thermoacoustic works with a finely divided medium which it is enough to stuff inside to accelerate the thermal exchanges without or with pîston !!

and then the heat makes a loud sound and a musical instrument !!
An acoustic laser !!
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