Solar PV auto construction where to buy?

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Solar PV auto construction where to buy?

View Forhorse » 27/10/09, 10:24

Hello everybody

I am brand new here and what brings me here is mainly my project of autonomous production of electricity.

To present the context I am passionate about horses and I rent a piece of land on which I built a small stable. Given the situation it is impossible for me to connect both to the electrical network and to the water network.

I recover rainwater (for the moment a simple tank on a 1000l pallet) but to improve my comfort and make it all more practical a little electricity would be a definite plus.
Already to supply a booster to install automatic drinkers and lighting.

I am considering either a wind turbine or PV solar panels (I think in the end I would install both, but my finances do not allow me to do all of a sudden)

For the moment my main problem is to know where to buy the material (PV panels, batteries, etc ...) because in front of the multitude of site offering this material difficult to know who is serious.
Before I smoke my CB on a site, I would like a minimum to be sure of receiving something, and that it is in working order.

In order to avoid that this subject become a collection of spam of all kinds (I doubt that the moderators agree) please let me know your favorite sites and your feedback in MP.
The different spammers, who only signed up here to balance their ads, know that it will be very easy, so don't waste your time answering me.

Thank you in advance.
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View Obelix » 27/10/09, 10:49


Before proposing addresses for your credit card:
It would be necessary to serier the imperative needs.
PV costs around 4 Euros per Wc.
But we can get away with less with a lot of elbow grease!

So try to describe to us your requirements, what you hope for, the available or possible roof surfaces, finally go into detail and we can give you valid information.

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View Forhorse » 27/10/09, 11:02

Thanks for the answer, but we can calculate anything we want, it won't answer my question: where do I buy this without getting ripped off?

Agree or disagree? :|

Anyway, count on me to give you a little account of my installations and their efficiency, both on the electrical side and rainwater recovery. I think it will interest the world?

(I prefer to do and talk about it afterwards rather than going ahead with cryptic achievements)
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View Obelix » 27/10/09, 11:15


Ok, I see the problem!
So it can be difficult to advise you.
I take an example to make you better understand:
You want to realize an autonomous feeding for the drinkers of your horses.
Nothing could be easier, a solar panel, a pump over the sun, and a pipe. A little manpower and ..........
Except that: if you put amorphous panels you will have more water than if you put monocrystalline or polycrystalline (almost twice as much)
By cons it will occupy twice as much surface on the roof.
Finally the panels are bought at "X" for amorphous and "Y" for others in small quantities and "Z" from 10 pieces and if you group with "H" you will have 10% discount ... ...

So it's up to you!

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View Forhorse » 27/10/09, 11:43

If you have addresses where you already bought all this material I take (in MP as I explained unless a moderator says that it's ok to swing links here, but I would understand that not)
Thank you in advance.
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