The oldest known mushroom was similar to ours

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Adrien (ex-nico239)
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The oldest known mushroom was similar to ours

View Adrien (ex-nico239) » 23/06/17, 10:22

A superb fossil mushroom, which grew in the Cretaceous, has just been discovered, in exceptional condition. The case is very rare, because these fragile structures are very poorly fossilized. This "magnificent Agaric of Gondwana", as its discoverers have named, has revelations to tell us about the history of their big family.


Scientists have discovered the rare fossil of a mushroom dating back to about 115 million years ago, the Lower Cretaceous, which grew in the time of the dinosaurs. It is indeed a mushroom in the most usual sense of the term, that is to say the fruition coming out of the earth, that humans like to consume. Five centimeters high, identical to its distant contemporary descendants, it was unearthed in Brazil, which was at the time on the supercontinent Gondwana. This huge landmass then fragmented to form Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia and India.

An observation under a scanning electron microscope showed that the hat wore lamellae rather than folds or pricks. These structures are typically used to identify mushroom species, says Sam Heads, a paleontologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, co-author of the article published in the journal PLOS ONE. These researchers classified it in the order of Agaricales (that of Paris mushrooms), and made it an unknown species and genus, Gondwanagaricites magnificus, "the magnificent Agaric fossil of Gondwana".

Learn more
>> Read the rest of the AFP / Futura Sciences article of 17/06/2017 on the Futura Sciences website
>> Read the article Heads SW, Miller AN, Crane JL, Thomas MJ, Ruffatto DM, Methven AS, et al. (2017) The oldest fossil mushroom. PLoS ONE 12 (6): e0178327.
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Re: The oldest known mushroom was similar to ours

View izentrop » 23/06/17, 13:52

The first mushrooms able to decompose lignin appeared at the end of the Carboniferous. ... if.C3.A8re

If they had arrived earlier, no fossil energy or climate change ... albeit with human unreason ???
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