Why 1 billion people hungry? No problem!

Agriculture and soil. Pollution control, soil remediation, humus and new agricultural techniques.
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View Cuicui » 06/11/11, 21:49

Janic wrote:
What do you propose ?

because of my choice of life, the solution would be radical, but inapplicable without enormous social, economic and human upheavals.

In which case, what interest?
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View Cuicui » 06/11/11, 21:53

Janic wrote:this means, a significant increase in the price of meat on the stalls (or tighten the breeders even more by the throat) and in any case less of a bidoche to sell, therefore selection by the money and resentment of consumers who do not envisage any reduce their meat consumption.

It could also revive, as in the past, small farms for personal household consumption.
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View dedeleco » 07/11/11, 00:44

We already eat stuck or reconstituted meat without knowing it !!!
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View sen-no-sen » 07/11/11, 11:03

dedeleco wrote:We already eat stuck or reconstituted meat without knowing it !!!

Right, but it is meat of animal origin.
Gene meats will be in vitro!
It is also a question of dairy cells contained in silos which will make it possible to create "dairy products" ... of course all this will be automated and will see the pure and simple disappearance of our peasants (well what is left of them)!
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View Christine » 07/11/11, 15:36

Janic wrote:PS for admins: Three gas masks left: it is a subliminal message? : Cheesy:

New registrants only have masks, which progressively turn into flowers etc .... These gentlemen moderators had spent a lot of time tweaking the thing at the time ...

Otherwise, I am surprised that you do not mention GMOs for example, which are designated as essential to increase the production of cereals:
1- to make meat and bring in money
2- for men who cannot afford meat and bring in money and do humanist communication
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View clasou » 07/11/11, 16:28

Hello Christine, you should have mentioned it in your answers since it is also your subject.
Otherwise you had to come to marjolaine on Sunday there was this screening
And a debate after where the GMOs were raised. As well as the problem of b12 for those concerned (well I do not know if it is very nutritious but I was left wanting for the answer.

In addition there were nice things to discover, and I was able to provide myself with alfalfa.

Only criticism is not enough conference, well it's true that it must last 9 days.
a + claude
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View Janic » 07/11/11, 17:44

hello christine
new registrants only have masks, which progressively turn into flowers etc .... These gentlemen moderators had spent a lot of time tweaking the thing at the time ...

I also told myself that for some time I have been breathing better!
clasou hello too
And a debate after where the GMOs were raised. As well as the problem of b12 for those concerned (well, I don't know if it is very nutritious, but I was hungry for the answer.)

Ah, the B12! On a VG site that I parasitize (or not) we are at more than 1.000 interventions and each one remains on its positions, but the subject remains nonetheless interesting!
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View Janic » 07/11/11, 20:42

for those who want to know how 1 billion humans could eat their fill
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View gegyx » 08/11/11, 09:26

All is good in the pig…


Veg 84 / It takes 2 liters of water to produce 000g of beef.

Veg 88 / 10 liters of water are required to produce 000g of beef.
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View Macro » 08/11/11, 09:54

Vegetarian extremism is just as stupid bullshit as overconsumption.

Less cancer..My C ... I knew several (3) hard vegetarians who were my age..Death cancer ... Long before me who is slightly overweight and not too athletic ... Omnivore.

With all the pesticides and other rubbish dumped on fruits and vegetables ... avoid drinking the broth water and even keep it for weeding around your home ...

It takes everything we are expected to eat ... Without abuse that's all ...
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