My vegetable garden at 54

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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Biobomb » 15/06/21, 17:47

Moindreffor wrote:
Biobombe wrote:Yes Miaos, it is not easy to program but not impossible, while avoiding the "gas factory".

I think you are looking for complicated where we can make it simple, it is true that we have more and more probes of all kinds, more and more efficient gear, opening up more and more possibilities and we are starting to dream...

use a sonar to measure the depth of the water while a simple polystyrene ball would have made a very good float coupled that to a detector and there was no more problem, or even a simple system of switches will and comes

I think that given the weight of the windows of Didier's frames, it is not the wind that will make them fly away : Mrgreen: but on the other hand it's this weight that you have to lift, after even without spending hours at the gym lifting cast iron, I think that with a jack we have all already lifted our car to change a wheel

So we have the choice to either lighten and it may fly away or leave heavy and adapt the lifting system

if we look at a 3D printer, we program the movements to within 0.12mm and yet the limit switch is secured by a simple push switch,

so indeed, we can try to manage in a very high technology way or to use a little more D system reinforced by technology ...

Keep your moral lessons: we don't try to make things complicated where simplicity would be possible.

Automating is not complicated when you have a minimum of knowledge and adapted gear.

Having a realistic project is not dreaming.

Didier's windows: ask him if they are not fixed by hinges. In this case, the second year physics course shows that you can lift heavy without a lot of force to apply. It certainly also has polycarbonate structures.

No one to my knowledge has spoken of sonar: see the forum on fishing.

A 3D printer is easily programmed to stop it before it reaches the end of its course.
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Moindreffor » 16/06/21, 22:02

Biobombe wrote:Keep your moral lessons: we don't try to make things complicated where simplicity would be possible.

no intention of becoming a lesson giver, just wanna chat, but apparently just gotta go your way, now i know what to do
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Did67 » 16/06/21, 22:35

Biobombe wrote:
Well done Didier, so we need a car battery or a transformer nearby.
But the blinds which close by themselves when the anemometer gives the order are controlled by an electric motor and an endless screw.

Taken by personal things these days ... I delayed a bit.

I thought, in fact, to put everything in 12 V, with a car or motorcycle battery + PV panel ...

For the different probes, it is necessary to avoid "back and forth" and therefore have a system which averages over a time step to be defined. And therefore, in effect, thresholds to be defined as type: if the average wind speed over 1 min exceeds xm / s, we close (out of caution) ... Knowing that as soon as the speed drops below this average - hysteresis always averaged, we reopen ...
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Did67 » 16/06/21, 22:40

Biobombe wrote:
Didier's windows: ask him if they are not fixed by hinges. In this case, the second year physics course shows that you can lift heavy without a lot of force to apply. It certainly also has polycarbonate structures.


I am thinking of developing my frame surface, in fact, with an aluminum / polycarbonate structure. Which is therefore ultra-light and ultra-sensitive to the wind (but I also thought about ballasting, depending on the force of the cylinder). The advantage of the jack is that it also "holds". But it is necessary to imagine a system "click-clack" of key to be able to open easily for the sprinkling ...

My current frames have no hinges, the windows are free. There are just stops that make it easier for me to lift the window with one hand and water with the other (I learned to do without, but I find it more convenient with!).

But for light structures, yes, I plan to put some ...
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Moindreffor » 16/06/21, 22:55

Did67 wrote:
Biobombe wrote:
Well done Didier, so we need a car battery or a transformer nearby.
But the blinds which close by themselves when the anemometer gives the order are controlled by an electric motor and an endless screw.

Taken by personal things these days ... I delayed a bit.

I thought, in fact, to put everything in 12 V, with a car or motorcycle battery + PV panel ...

For the different probes, it is necessary to avoid "back and forth" and therefore have a system which averages over a time step to be defined. And therefore, in effect, thresholds to be defined as type: if the average wind speed over 1 min exceeds xm / s, we close (out of caution) ... Knowing that as soon as the speed drops below this average - hysteresis always averaged, we reopen ...

in the Palme, the frames are simply ballasted in winter to fight the wind, so a light structure like polycarbonate, can very well be ballasted if necessary, a heavy frame does not require a closing system and therefore if you have just below a system for lifting independent of the frame, the opening for watering will not be different from the current one, additional hinges

the oil cylinders, I ask myself the question of thermal inertia, the air in the frame will heat up faster than the oil in the cylinder, after what force do these cylinders have? what is their opening wheelbase? they are normally suitable for opening a small greenhouse skylight which is often thin polycarbonate additionally, so a full frame?
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Biobomb » 16/06/21, 23:10

Moindreffor wrote:
Biobombe wrote:Keep your moral lessons: we don't try to make things complicated where simplicity would be possible.

no intention of becoming a lesson giver, just wanna chat, but apparently just gotta go your way, now i know what to do

want to chat: everyone is here to talk, but it's the tone that makes the music. And above all, do not discourage or destroy motivations by inappropriate and somewhat demolishing remarks.

go in my direction: my sense is common sense, the one that admits tolerance until reaching the limit of emotional intelligence.

I know what to do: it's simple, start not to annoy others.

I do garden, classical and other, and I am interested in Arduinos and other open cards and not only since today. It's not for you to tell me it's not good, at least in the terms and examples you used. I feel like I'm bothering one or the other of this forum, which is considered by some to be a preserve.
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Moindreffor » 17/06/21, 13:23

Biobombe wrote:
Moindreffor wrote:
Biobombe wrote:Keep your moral lessons: we don't try to make things complicated where simplicity would be possible.

no intention of becoming a lesson giver, just wanna chat, but apparently just gotta go your way, now i know what to do

want to chat: everyone is here to talk, but it's the tone that makes the music. And above all, do not discourage or destroy motivations by inappropriate and somewhat demolishing remarks.

Biobombe wrote:Save your moral lessons

affectively it's a question of your

Biobombe wrote:go in my direction: my sense is common sense, the one that admits tolerance until reaching the limit of emotional intelligence.
I know what to do: it's simple, start not to annoy others. without getting upset yourself

I do garden, classical and other, and I am interested in Arduinos and other open cards and not only since today. It's not for you to tell me it's not good, at least in the terms and examples you used. I feel like I'm bothering one or the other of this forum, which is considered by some to be a preserve.

so simply to say that we can do simpler instead of complicated is enough to annoy you, and upset you, to the point of calling me a lesson giver, I apologize to you, everyone needs it, do Complicated if you like, but here, not everyone has your skills and your level in arduino and programming, and offering them the possibility of making it simple seemed useful to me ...

So when I talk about simple things, don't feel assaulted anymore, it's just that I will talk to other simple people like me ...
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Biobomb » 17/06/21, 22:55

Moindreffor wrote:so simply to say that we can do simpler instead of complicated is enough to annoy you, and upset you, to the point of calling me a lesson giver, I apologize to you, everyone needs it, do Complicated if you like, but here, not everyone has your skills and your level in arduino and programming, and offering them the possibility of making it simple seemed useful to me ...

So when I talk about simple things, don't feel assaulted anymore, it's just that I will talk to other simple people like me ...

for the creator of this thread, Jérôme.
Excuse me for intervening in your thread but as a controversy has arisen within it, it is easy to continue the exchanges there although it does not concern you. So don't blame me for "polluting" your thread. Personally, I don't have a thread where I "define" myself because it is not obligatory nor required on this forum. My "disputer" on the other hand has his presentation thread but often uses other threads to accommodate everything and anything.
Last edited by Biobomb the 17 / 06 / 21, 23: 11, 1 edited once.
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Biobomb » 17/06/21, 23:10

Moindreffor wrote:
so simply to say that we can do simpler instead of complicated is enough to annoy you, and upset you, to the point of calling me a lesson giver, I apologize to you, everyone needs it, do Complicated if you like, but here, not everyone has your skills and your level in arduino and programming, and offering them the possibility of making it simple seemed useful to me ...

So when I talk about simple things, don't feel assaulted anymore, it's just that I will talk to other simple people like me ...

The waterfall continues unabated.
i will talk to other simple people like me. : you are the only one to define yourself as simple. of course, when it suits you!
Implied that I am not simple. a fine example of a free value judgment.
I haven't said anything about you, haven't I? so please stop.

On the Arduinos. Other speakers have shown their interest in this subject. For them you are very silent ....

There are also training courses for young people or even very young people who provide education without diplomas or prior knowledge.
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Re: My vegetable garden at 54

View Gardenerof54 » 29/06/21, 16:08

Hello everybody

Here is some news from my home : Wink: in the greenhouse a lot of satisfaction the tomato plants are developing very well, I have never had one so beautiful, 3 to 4 feet lost but for a first year I will be satisfied with it : Lol: good I lost a zucchini foot of the peppers two peppers in lace leaves. Regarding my hay board: the potatoes came out well, on the other hand the beans complete failure it must come from the seeds because by doing the experiment for my daughters we put 12 seeds in a box of eggs pierced with soil only 1 foot to germinate :frown: otherwise for watering the greenhouse my earthen pots (Oyas style) are satisfactory (1 watering per week plus a few drops by drops)

Biomonde: no problem, it's not just my post everyone is free to trade : Wink:
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