Moindreffor wrote:for "mineral" oil I pay the controllers who, thanks to their work, allow this to be withdrawn from the market ...
so no i think i get my money's worth
Sorry to disappoint, but the "checkers" accepted a "harmless dose" (- 10% adulterated oil, a straw) of mineral oils in
food (And it's not paraffin).
Also, on May 2, the European Commission produced a recommendation authorizing the sale of all foods containing less than 10% adulterated oil. He therefore asks him on the one hand whether all precautions have been taken so that the health of the consumer is not threatened and, on the other hand, how the Government intends to strengthen the means of control so that such a case does not happen again. more.
With the help of AFSSA who "evaluated" (How, where? Did they test anyone? Double-blind randomized study over 1, 5, 10 30 years? Nobody knows)
the level of potential exposure of French consumers and thus assess the risk to their health. The Agency has estimated the potential exposure of the consumer through the consumption of contaminated oil but also of all foodstuffs incorporating oil in their compositions. AFSSA used the most pessimistic exposure scenario possible (maximum scenario), that is to say one in which the consumption of oil and products based on contaminated oil would be maximum. ... 04583.htmlANSES is also "very severe" with this kind of contaminants: pay, yes you pay (me too, by the way), but to be officially poisoned "potentially". When we see how these people protect us, it is cold in the back. Afterwards, if you trust them, that's YOUR problem.
“It is better to mobilize your intelligence on bullshit than to mobilize your bullshit on intelligent things. (J.Rouxel)
"By definition the cause is the product of the effect". (Tryphion)
"360 / 000 / 0,5 is 100 million and not 72 million" (AVC)