I start in my vegetable garden !!!

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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Adrien (ex-nico239) » 23/07/21, 09:29

Annanjou wrote:
Adrien (ex-nico239) wrote:
Annanjou wrote:Indeed Pi-r, but no spade fork for me. I apply the lazy theory that I have read well and made it my own! In fact it is not very difficult to have since it is rooted under the hay. What is annoying is that it spreads a lot, but either I tear it off when I walk past it or it disturbs one of my plants, or I stick hay on it and I would wear it out. ... and in the end it will be like dandelions because I hardly see any more.

A little against the tide I bless the cinquefoil
She gives me a free ground cover and keeps the soil not only alive but cool and moist for a long time without doing anything.

Indeed Adrien, finally I did the same, the cinquefoil is still a little invasive but with a good thickness of hay, it is very easy to remove where it gets in the way

Not well understood
Did you use the cinquefoil as a living ground cover?
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Annanjou » 23/07/21, 15:18

Adrien (ex-nico239) wrote:
Annanjou wrote:
Adrien (ex-nico239) wrote:
A little against the tide I bless the cinquefoil
She gives me a free ground cover and keeps the soil not only alive but cool and moist for a long time without doing anything.

Indeed Adrien, finally I did the same, the cinquefoil is still a little invasive but with a good thickness of hay, it is very easy to remove where it gets in the way

Not well understood
Did you use the cinquefoil as a living ground cover?

Oops, I did not express myself clearly: In fact I put hay in January - the dandelions crossed and I pulled them out as I went - then the cinquefoil arrived, at the beginning I pulled out but as there A lot, finally I leave it because it actually makes a good ground cover; I only pull it out when it gets in the way.
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View pi-r » 23/07/21, 16:41

as a free ground cover I prefer the straw of my nephews, the platform compost and the mulch at the recycling center of my municipality, and all the grass clippings, leaves and other bio-masses of the neighbors and to rebalance the C / N ratio I have ... "the little natural tool" .... all this for not a round!
if I had known that you appreciate the cinquefoil so much, I would have kept the "carrots" for you to transplant ... : Wink: !
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Adrien (ex-nico239) » 23/07/21, 19:55

Annanjou wrote:
Adrien (ex-nico239) wrote:
Annanjou wrote:
Indeed Adrien, finally I did the same, the cinquefoil is still a little invasive but with a good thickness of hay, it is very easy to remove where it gets in the way

Not well understood
Did you use the cinquefoil as a living ground cover?

Oops, I did not express myself clearly: In fact I put hay in January - the dandelions crossed and I pulled them out as I went - then the cinquefoil arrived, at the beginning I pulled out but as there A lot, finally I leave it because it actually makes a good ground cover; I only pull it out when it gets in the way.

Ok draw
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Biobomb » 23/07/21, 23:30

Annanjou wrote:
, In his books Didier does not spend too much time on mildew since he has a tunnel but I forgot to search on YT.
That's it I found the two videos and I'm going to watch them. I also probably tightened my plants a bit (beginners' mistake: as we have a lot of plants, we want to put them all and ... finally we have nothing: I remember the lesson).
I also remember that even in rotten weather (especially in rotten weather) you have to go and watch your vegetable garden: well I'm learning :? But I do not despair :)

mildew is also rampant in the tunnels, it will not interfere.
Personally, I have been planting very tight for ages. Always had mega harvests. This year it's off to a good start, but you never know, it's not a given. In my tunnel I only plant tomatoes and nothing else.
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Biobomb » 28/07/21, 16:14

Recently we know that Didier is going to write again. But we don't know what or for whom! We can just guess a little ...
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Biobomb » 28/07/21, 20:50

Biobombe wrote:Recently we know that Didier is going to write again. But we don't know what or for whom! We can just guess a little ...

Posting error, this is the wrong thread.
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Annanjou » 09/08/21, 11:37

Annanjou wrote:
Biobombe wrote:
Annanjou wrote:
how did this mildew come about? He must have come by the wind? So what's the use of psychotting everything to disinfect everything to avoid mildew for next year if this year it has come by itself?

mildew has been present almost everywhere for a long time and dwells in the soil.
"We" talked about it on the main thread, but if you go on youtube, Didier once made an interesting video on this subject.

For potatoes, do a test by removing 2 or 3 plants. If you are satisfied with the tubers, no suspicious spots and a suitable size, I personally will take them all out.

Whoops ! thank you Biobombe, In his books Didier does not spend too much time on mildew since he has a tunnel but I forgot to search on YT.
That's it I found the two videos and I'm going to watch them. I also probably tightened my plants a bit (beginners' mistake: as we have a lot of plants, we want to put them all and ... finally we have nothing: I remember the lesson).
I also remember that even in rotten weather (especially in rotten weather) you have to go and watch your vegetable garden: well I'm learning :? But I do not despair :)

Well, that's it I watched Didier's video: I watched a lot but the one on mildew I told myself that I would watch her so concerned and I forgot her. Well, I should have looked at it before because I am in the very unfavorable case with a forest which bypasses on 2 sides the field of my vegetable garden. Full of very large trees 30 m east and 30 m north of my vegetable garden :( And like Didier, even in summer (I'm talking about real summers with hot weather) I have to put on boots to walk the dogs in the morning because the grass is soaked. In other words: assured mildew : Cry:
THEREFORE: reaction: I mowed around 20m2 between the orchard and the path very close: away from the trees and in the sun and I'm going to put hay there and plant the tomato dishes that I had kept (just in case, you should never spoil : Lol: ). I have just passed them from small pots where they vegetated to large pots: they leave wonderful! so i will plant them as soon as it stops raining : Wink:
If it's okay, I'll put the tomatoes there next year and too bad if my vegetable garden is in 2 places.
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Annanjou » 09/08/21, 11:41

Annanjou wrote:
Doris wrote:Regarding the potatoes: mine are ripe now and have suffered a slight attack. Being at the end of the course, I do nothing. Having not attacked voles for over a year, I left them in place under hay, having no fresh basement.
For the tomatoes: I treat as best I can with baking soda, and I remove the affected parts. Never having been a follower of abuse of Bordeaux mixture or other product, I have always done like that, fight a little to contain the spread, nothing more. When the following years were ripe for late blight, I did the same in the following years. When the following years were not conducive to mildew, I was even quieter. I have never disinfected anything with alcohol or bleach. I never burned my infected tomato debris. I've always eaten tomatoes, more or less. This year is not a good tomato year, but for me who come from far away with poor soil, I see that I have ripening tomatoes, which are beautiful as never before. So I'm already happy. I'm not saying you have to do like me, it's just my experience in my context, and I repeat, I've always had tomatoes to harvest. Even in my horrible year, where fate was hard on my husband's health in addition to the late blight on the tomatoes, and where I really did nothing at all, except plant and water, but zero treatment, zero size and even zero staking. I trust the living, and I have no more failure than my friends, who garden in the "rustica" way. That suits me perfectly.

Thank you Doris for this confirmation: disinfecting is therefore quite useless and I just threw the plants away from my vegetable garden. Mildew struck almost everywhere in France and at home in Anjou, a region with a usually mild climate, we suffered this rotten spring head-on. No Bordeaux mixture either because the past years, I have seen what it was doing on my peach: this year I left it to fend for itself and immediately after the blister, it left very strong. Next year he should be stronger.
For the potatoes, I will watch because if the weather gets very hot, it could be okay by removing the damaged parts.
For a first year in the vegetable garden, I was spoiled : Lol:

For the PdT, it's fine: I picked up quite a few and the rest still seems to be doing well.
On the other hand I found some (2 or 3 in all so few) which had all sticky inside ??? anyone know what this is? Thank you
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Re: I'm going into my vegetable garden !!!

View Doris » 09/08/21, 12:23

We spoke about it a very short time ago on the thread dedicated to the potato, it would rather be of bacterial origin but look on the thread of the potato.
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