“Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by gegyx » 26/03/24, 14:31

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:For those who own an angle grinder, here is an adapter that will transform it into a small chainsaw with chain lubrication

I would like to point out that sturdy leather gloves are obligatory. Lubrication, without knowing the viscosity of the oil, hello!
The brush is simpler.
the plastic protection, it must be quickly changed with a scrap protection (DYI)
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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 14:32

Here are photos of the delimbing site, it's the jungle... Nordmann fir trees between 2 and 5 m, average at 3.5 I would say...






I just spent 1h30 there, 4 batteries on the survivor with 3 5 minute "overheating" pauses.

It seems to last a little longer when working only with this one (the other must have consumed more)...
I measured around 20 minutes of "man" work per battery in these conditions (damn!!).

The next time I go, I'll make you a new timed pile (one tree is not the other...the worst is the twins, but it's quite rare...)

I think that in terms of cubic meters per hour we can hardly do worse than this type of project!! : Lol: : Lol: : Lol: : Lol:

But hey, it’s good for my kitty!! I will fly better this spring! : Mrgreen:
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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 14:33

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:
gegyx wrote:I find it surprising that you can return an item to China. Minimum of €30 for any nawak.

The item returns to Amazon where it is either recycled or thrown away.

I don't think they'll do much with it...
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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 14:34

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:For those who own an angle grinder, here is an adapter that will transform it into a small chainsaw with chain lubrication:
https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/10050062 ... ry_from%3A
Video: https://video.aliexpress-media.com/play ... om=firefox

Nice idea but I don't have a battery-powered angle grinder...and I'm not sure that the motors (and the rest) of the grinders are made to work as intensively as a chainsaw...

The torque problem also intrigues me...a chain creates a lot more than grinding!

There is also safety to take into account...no clutch, chain brake or stopping "by hand"...

In the end it's not so nice...

So you buy and tell us? : Mrgreen:
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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 14:44

ps: the 4 "empty" batteries after today's session are between 16.3 and 17V... or 3.26 to 3.4V per element. There's still a little energy left in it so...

The other day one of the 4 had gone down to 14.5 V / 2.9 V...the others were around 16 V...the deceased model must have sucked more...(always the best go first : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: )
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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 15:06

gegyx wrote:I would like to point out that sturdy leather gloves are obligatory.

You do well to talk about it, I have just damaged my 2 fleece gloves on the thumbs...I'm starting a blister on one of the 2... : Mrgreen:
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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 15:21

Next to the trees I did this too:




The battery was far from empty...and it didn't overheat...

This kind of tool is perfectly suited to doing that (done again with stinking thermal...a few weeks ago):

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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 16:16

This allows you to attack stumps too...without having to worry about starting a stinker!


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20240326_154259.jpg (498.13 KB) Viewed times 678

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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by GuyGadeboisTheBack » 26/03/24, 16:46

gegyx wrote:Lubrication, without knowing the viscosity of the oil, hello!

Chainsaw chain oil is made to lubricate chainsaw chains, just in case (yes, yes, I assure you).

Christophe wrote:So you buy and tell us? : Mrgreen:

Nope. I have that:
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Re: “Chinese” electric chainsaws and delimbers: what are they worth?

by Christophe » 26/03/24, 18:01

Yuck….there’s a thread! : Cheesy:
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