Tension with Russia in Ukraine

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Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by jean.caissepas » 26/01/22, 17:45

An American interview that explains the interests of a few rich and powerful Americans to get their hands on UKraine, at any cost... : roll:

And the NATO doggies that follow...

https://reseauinternational.net/la-dipl ... la-russie/
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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by Remundo » 26/01/22, 18:09

on this subject, NDA spoke with a lot of pragmatism (not very long during an interview sweeping various questions)

see from 12min44s

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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by Christophe » 12/02/22, 23:13

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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by GuyGadeboisTheBack » 13/02/22, 01:43

Christophe wrote:Attali, Europe 1

4th June 2014
No nothing, it passes cream, as for football...
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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by Obamot » 13/02/22, 01:55

Jacques Attali is completely dropped. he is only content to give his own unfounded personal opinion.
Or is it light! And for the rest, when he doesn't talk about Russia, it's even more disappointing.

Faced with the intelligence and humility * of Putin and his successes, it is the legs of a woodlouse who wants to be with a touch of arrogance.

Attali is nothing, he left the scene….

*) quite relative, but compared to the arrogance of Westerners, pfffff…


Tulsi Gabbard has always been very enlightened on geopolitical issues, she was one of the few not to have demonized Bachaar Al Assad, presenting him “as a much less “critical” alternative to Al Nosra, discreetly supported by Westerners 
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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by Christophe » 13/02/22, 05:28

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:
Christophe wrote:Attali, Europe 1

4th June 2014
No nothing, it passes cream, as for football...

I knew very well that it was dated…so what? Are you doing the flag shot for us again?

So you've become the kind of self-confident internet jerk who thinks anything older than 8 days is out of date?

: Shock:
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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by GuyGadeboisTheBack » 13/02/22, 12:48

Christophe wrote:
So you've become the kind of self-confident internet jerk who thinks anything older than 8 days is out of date?

: Shock:

Moderate gratuitous and unfounded insults.

Fuck you and Raymond with whom he also metamorphosed! Please fire me. Obamot will finally have free rein to rave in a loop and complete his destruction of "funny people" by telling any conspiratorial bullshit. : Mrgreen:
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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by Remundo » 13/02/22, 12:59

between Mélenchouille the islamo-leftist polisher and "drooling his hatred of Arabs*", there is perhaps a balance to be found...

* Arabs: the word should be defined, it is very vague.

But if you feel bad about it forum, you can go to others where the limitless gaucho-immigrationist living together is the only accepted line.

anyway, Guy, half of your messages are belching... we've been very tolerant of you. We can still be, maybe, Christophe is the boss here.

Besides, if you "bore" us, you should join His Highness Macronescu, Boredom 1st.
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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by GuyGadeboisTheBack » 13/02/22, 13:04

Remundo wrote: We can still be, maybe...

No thanks, fire me.
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Re: Tension with Russia in Ukraine

by izentrop » 13/02/22, 13:14

The crisis intensifies in the East. Follow live all the information on the tensions between Ukraine and Russia, while the various protagonists increase the deployment of troops and military maneuvers.
https://www.cnews.fr/monde/2022-02-12/d ... er-dans-le
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