Monitoring the volume of household waste in France over 4 years

While a good number of politicians or other associations do not stop pondering and recogitating on the environment, others, more discreet, have been acting on a daily basis for years.

This is the case of A2E, member of forumsWho rigorously sorted and weighed his waste month by month since 2004. This while, for the moment, nothing obliges the French to sort their waste in a rigorous way (in certain regions, not at all…)!

We therefore have an exclusive and very interesting document which gives 4 years of evolution of the weight of household waste and this for 9 different types of waste.

sorting and volume of waste France

Waste says a lot about a household's consumption habits, but also about the evolution of consumer society!

One certainty after some analysis: despite grenelles, conferences and environmental speeches of all kinds (fashionable to what seems), the reality of the facts is not going in the right direction: there is more and more waste! More precisely, in the home of A2E, there is exactly 5,28 kg more waste per month in October 2008 than in October 2004!

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waste evolution in France

And yet, the “A2E household” is a conscientious household: they buy in a reasonable way, pay attention to packaging and their mass of waste per inhabitant is more than 50% lower than the French national average!

We regret that the strongest growth is recorded by plastics and advertising ...

What to conclude? Not much positive, except that, despite the speeches, the econological society is really not for tomorrow ... It will be interesting to redo an analysis of these same figures in 6 months, in mid-2009! This analysis will make it possible to say whether the economic crisis does indeed exist and whether its impact is "positive" on the volume of waste!

See all curves, waste by waste, do some analysis and talk with A2E, refer to this topic: evolution of the weight of waste in France from 2004.

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