On this page, and the following ones entitled “Pantone and me” you will discover a summary of my last 4 years, that is to say since I discovered the Pantone process.
These "auto-biographical" pages will allow you to get to know Christophe, the webmaster of this site a little better.
About me
My name is Christophe Martz, in 2005 I will be 27 years old and am from Strasbourg.
I am an engineer graduated from ENSAIS (National School of Arts and Industries of Strasbourg) promotion 2001 and I carried out, for obtaining my diploma, an End of Studies Project (PFE), on the Pantone process .
In 2003, I created the site Econologie.com (I will come back later on the creation of this site).
The origin of the end of study project on the Pantone process (October 2000-January 2001)
The last year in engineering school is divided into two periods: the first trimester where classical courses are given and the last 2 reserved for the end of studies project (which is most often carried out in a company). During the first trimester, a technological research project (PRT) must be carried out, this PRT can be considered as a micro PFE and may or may not have a direct link with the PFE. Thus some PRTs are neither more nor less than pre-studies of a PFE.
I specify all this because the choice of my PFE has just come after my PRT.
Indeed, the subject of my PRT consisted of going around “new” energies as well as organizational solutions in order to decongest the air and traffic in urban areas (this study is available in full on this page: study on transport and energy for the city).
During this study, one of my tutor teacher, professor of physics, provided me with a video report, which I think is at the origin of everything that follows.
This report was about zero point energy, and featured, among other things, Stanley Meyer (shortly before his “official” disappearance). You can see this report on this page: report on the energy from vacuum to absolute zero.
Very intrigued by this report, I decided to find out more about Stanley Meyer, that's how I discovered the Quanthomme presenting the Water Fuel Cell (WFC). Quickly, I had the idea to do my end of study project on the WFC. Unfortunately, faced with the vagueness of information found on the Internet and in patents, my teachers and I quickly understood that it was not reasonable to do a PFE on this subject. We would too quickly be faced with too many uncertainties and unknowns. But there was another invention presented on the Quanthomme site: that of the Pantone process.
Indeed, the invention of Pantone seemed quite intriguing and above all accessible enough for it to be possible to carry out a graduation project on the subject. I was therefore going to propose a subject of characterization of the Pantone process to my tutors (whom I thank in passing). They quickly gave me the green light: the Pantone / Martz project was born! An application for an Anvar grant has been made and has been accepted.
The flow of the PFE on the Pantone process (January 2001-October 2001)
The initial duration of the project was 5 months, it took me over 8 months to complete the minimum acceptable for obtaining an engineering degree. But whatever, my project excited me, some measures were very promising.
Only here, contrary to what one might think, an engineering school is not the ideal place to do applied research: the means are lacking, the staff is not necessarily available but especially the measuring equipment. and investigation are sorely lacking. For example, I had to carry out the entire realization of the test bench (photos available in the report): plans, blank cutting, pointing, priming, painting ... only the welds were carried out by the laboratory technician. Afterwards my teachers reproached me for not advancing quickly enough the purely scientific part. Another example, we had to move the test bench with the family car to a technical control center to carry out the pollution control measurements. Seeing that this was not serious to work properly, we had to go get a gas analyzer 200 km away! In this regard, I would like to thank the technician who gave his time a weekend for this task. These material difficulties partly explain the lengthening of the duration of the project. But that was only the beginning of the difficulties.
The Postgraduate Period (October 2001-February 2002)
Graduated in October 2001 (after a defense in front of an audience of more than 40 people, something quite exceptional for a PFE), and feeling the potential of the process as shown by the results in my report, I decided to get started, alone and perhaps a little naively, in a "race" for research aid and subsidies.
The first weeks following my leaving school, my agenda was almost full every day: Trade fairs, City of Strasbourg, ADEME, ANVAR, DRIRE, INRETS… as well as many schools, research centers and public institutions were contacted. Likewise, I also had some contacts in Germany. But after a few weeks of this frantic race, I found with certain disappointment that it would be much harder than I imagined. It is certain that I was, and I still am not, a great negotiator or diplomat but all the same!
The redundant excuses were mainly the following:
- the patent is not in your name,
- we do not help individuals,
- no public institution supports you ...
Based on these facts, I remained open to any proposal but I received none from these organizations. I think that one of the most flagrant reactions in this direction was that of ADEME, quite simply ignoring my requests but not forgetting to bring the information back to the national level ...
I also went back to the ENSAIS to propose a follow-up to the PFE concerning a boiler mounting of the process. This after having seen the assembly "boiler" of Mr. David with transparent flame by burning domestic fuel. My ex-tutor teacher, engine combustion specialist, ex-engineer at Renault, was apparently resolutely decided not to hear from me (or the process?). His argument: “You know: fuel oil is losing ground compared to gas boilers. ". Hm hmm ... End of negotiation.
Such contempt in total ambient hypocrisy is hard enough to take. Everyone said that my project was very interesting but no one gave me the means to go further, not be it a chance or a hope! Isn't pollution, in the broad sense, a public health problem? Indeed, I remind the reader who knows by the results of my work that the process allows a reduction of 90% of some pollutants, this after a few seconds of operation. These Pollution results are on this page or in the PFE report.
This is unlike catalytic converters that are not only inefficient when cold, but which, in addition to increasing consumption, pose environmental problems during their life cycle, not to mention heavy metal oxides and the cost, econological, of their manufacture and recycling. .
Faced with so many blockages, I decided, at the beginning of 2002, to go see Mr Pantone in the USA, indeed; maybe a paper signed by his hand would be able to unblock things and maybe he would offer me a position of responsibility? The reality will unfortunately be very different ...
Read more: My meeting with Mr Pantone