Memo guide to a photovoltaic solar installation for the industrialist and the installer 4-page memo document edited by Ademe for installers, which allows them to "know everything" about a photovoltaic solar installation made in France. To read absolutely if you have a solar PV project in progress in order to verify the information provided by your […]
Category: Renewable energies
Renewable Energy Information
Driving without oil video interview with Pierre Langlois
Rolling without petroleum, synthetic video interview by Pierre Langlois P. Langlois is Ph.D, author of the book "Rolling without petroleum" in which Econology is cited. Find out more: extracts from Pierre Langlois' book and the results of the research on Pierre Langlois.
Download: wind Elena faired double helix
An urban wind turbine with twin counter-rotating propellers Advantages compared to conventional wind turbines: less noise, more compactness (bulk / power) and resistance to strong winds. Debate on forums: climate and energy exhibition in Paris
Download: solar oven cooker Scheffler, detailed plans for manufacturing
Manual construction of a 2m2 Scheffler solar cooker reflector. Cooking with the sun will give you pleasure! by Daniel Philippen, Adrian Konrad, Benjamin Leimgruber. With the help of Wolfgang Scheffler, Heike Hoedt (Solare Brücke) Translation: Guillaume Renault This 56-page document explains, step by step, how to make a solar cooker by parabolic concentration of […]
Pico +: a hydraulic pico-turbine submersible
The Pico +, a 300W hydraulic pico turbine The Pico + Family has 12 parts. Easy to set up and maintain, it corresponds to the energy needs of one or more family units. Completely submerged in water, with a drop height of 1,5 meters and a flow rate of around 35 liters per second, it delivers […]
Pico hydropower plant on an isolated site
Pico Hydroelectricity: presentation of a pico hydroelectric power station in private homes in France Summary: Since 1985 Mme and Mr X have lived in an isolated house located below a mountain side in the Alpes de Haute Provence (04). When they moved in in 1985, Mrs and Mr X made a request for connection to the electricity network […]
Mini Central solar Stirling in Odeillo
An experimental micro solar power plant in Odeillo An eight-meter-diameter parabola-mirror associated with a motor transforming heat into mechanical energy since 2004 in Odeillo. A 10 kW mini electro-solar generator based on a Stirling cycle and powered by a solar dish has been submitted since the end of June 2004 to the experiments of researchers […]
Solar power map of the Sun by irradiation (DNI) of France
Sunshine map established by satellite measurement of real infrared irradiation on the ground DNI Source: Ecole des Mines / Armines Each map below represents the direct component of the monthly irradiation received on a plane always facing the sun for the year 2006, expressed in kWh / m². There is one card per month as well as one card for […]
solar tower vortex: Operating
The solar vacuum tower: scientific and technical aspects by François MAUGIS, Association Energie Environnement. (according to the elements provided by the company SUMATEL) 1. Introduction The principle of operation of the vacuum tower of the French professor Edgard NAZARE which he had baptized “vortex tower” or “aerothermal power station” (to be compared to the "Atmospheric Vortex Engine" […]
solar tower vortex: principle
General introduction to vortex towers by François MAUGIS, Association Energie Environnement .. NB: Do not confuse these two types of solar towers: the Nazare or Michaud type vortex tower (rotational flow wirling system) with the simple Schlaich Bergermann solar chimney (single flow upwind system), discussion here. The idea of harnessing a "wind [...]
Download: Renewable energies for transport: comparative solutions by Jacobson
Multicriteria study from Stanford University comparing the different renewable energies potentially usable in the transport sector by Mark Z. Jacobson. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-4020, USA. Tel: (650) 723-6836 Abstract This paper reviews and ranks major proposed energy-related solutions to global warming, air pollution mortality, and energy […]
Photoelectrochemical solar hydrogen or PEC
PEC House: a solar hydrogen cell project according to Adit's BEs Although it is not yet a usable energy source, strictly speaking, hydrogen is nevertheless of capital interest as a means of storage. However, the main current difficulty is to be able to produce it in a “green” way. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) […]
Download: Solar motor: prototype of a Minto wheel
Video of a small prototype of a Minto wheel whose hot source may be the Sun Learn more: the Minto wheel, a solar engine? Download File (Newsletter subscription may be required): Solar Motor: Minto Wheel Prototype
Download: Calculation of a solar exchanger
Estimation of the area and length of a solar exchanger in simple copper tube (without fins) immersed in a solar thermal buffer .xls spreadsheet (OpenOffice compatible) allowing to determine the area and length of a solar exchanger for solar tank or buffer thermal. This exchanger is the primary solar exchanger, it is therefore mounted on the primary circuit side. […]
The heliostat, solar concentrator by Perrier
Heliotechnical station by JL Perrier article written by JL Perrier for CEDRE in February 1981. The JL Perrier heliotechnical station (called Heliotrope) was created in 1971 and currently comprises three sectors of activity: the solar concentrator, the vehicle to hydrogen and the solar house. All the work required to carry out […]
The death of Jean Luc Perrier
Information on the death of Jean Luc Perrier, exceptional independent researcher in solar energy during the 70s Brief summary of the work of JL Perrier He worked in solar energy and in particular solar concentration with a view to making solar hydrogen. He had managed to run a car on self-produced solar hydrogen in […]
Biogas, installation manual for a methanizer
Installation manual of a bio-digester to make biogas Original text: Biodigester installation manual. Lylian Rodriguez and TR Preston University of Tropical Agriculture Foundation. Finca Ecologica, University of Agriculture and Forestry, Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Partially translated by: Association Eden Place Pablo Picasso 31 520 Ramonville Tel: 05 61 […]
Biogas guide: digester and installation calculations
Guide to building a biogas digester for biogas production The objective of this document is to provide beginners with detailed information on the sizing of a biogas digester and its implementation: - study of the construction site (suitable location or not) - study of the structure and […]
Comparative solar energy and insulation
Analyzes about subsidies and subsidy policies about Photovoltaic Solar. Article written by an energy official of the Walloon Region. This article concerns the SolWatt plan for the Walloon region but the reasoning is applicable to all subsidies, only the figures differ slightly. Environmental efficiency or financial profitability? A dilemma […]
Download: Solar Stirling Engine by Sunmachine
Filmed in Paris at the end of June 2008: a solar stirling cogeneration engine with parabolic concentrator. Price: € 30 excluding tax. Availability: summer 000. Power: 2008kW electric + 3kW thermal. Find out more: Paris Renewable Energies Fair or read concentrated solar thermal power plants. Download the file (a subscription to the Newsletter can be […]
Renewable energies: right of reply to Science et Vie
Right of reply to the “black dossier on renewable energies” published in Science et Vie in March 2008 Here is the debate about this dossier which is at the origin of the following article. Read the summary of this response Download the file (newsletter subscription may be required): EnR: right of reply to […]
Black Dossier renewable energy
Here is an answer to the black dossier of renewable energies published in Science et Vie in March 2008. Here is the debate about this dossier which is at the origin of the following article. Science et Vie March 2008: black dossier for green energies This dossier makes very positive judgments about the potential […]
Download: Solar water pump without electricity, Fluidyne
Study, plans and realization of a solar water pump (or by other heat source): the Fluidyne by François Lanzetta, Julien Boucher, Philippe Nika. FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS UMR 6174, CREST Department. Technology park, 2 avenue Jean Moulin, 90000 Belfort Summary The Fluidyne type water pump is a low thermal energy conversion machine […]
A solar and wood house in Lorraine: work, plans and photos self-construction
Here is the complete presentation of a three-energy heating house: solar, wood and electric supplement located in Lorraine. This house "was" an electric house from the 80s that its owner completely transformed himself into a solar and wood house. The solar and wood duo constitutes for us the current compromise, the most econological of the moment. This […]
Future Energies, the energy mix solution
An energy mix to replace the Oil King? On the end of oil, much more than its depletion, we currently have at least one certainty: the oil king has and probably will not have a prince, that is to say a successor who is so omnipresent in our life. Indeed; there is no natural resource […]