Download: solar oven cooker Scheffler, detailed plans for manufacturing

Manual construction of a 2m2 Scheffler solar cooker reflector. Cooking with the sun will give you pleasure! by Daniel Philippen, Adrian Konrad, Benjamin Leimgruber. With the help of Wolfgang Scheffler, Heike Hoedt (Solare Brücke) Translation: Guillaume Renault This 56-page document explains, step by step, how to make a solar cooker by parabolic concentration of […]

Pico hydropower plant on an isolated site

Pico Hydroelectricity: presentation of a pico hydroelectric power station in private homes in France Summary: Since 1985 Mme and Mr X have lived in an isolated house located below a mountain side in the Alpes de Haute Provence (04). When they moved in in 1985, Mrs and Mr X made a request for connection to the electricity network […]

solar tower vortex: Operating

The solar vacuum tower: scientific and technical aspects by François MAUGIS, Association Energie Environnement. (according to the elements provided by the company SUMATEL) 1. Introduction The principle of operation of the vacuum tower of the French professor Edgard NAZARE which he had baptized “vortex tower” or “aerothermal power station” (to be compared to the "Atmospheric Vortex Engine" […]

solar tower vortex: principle

General introduction to vortex towers by François MAUGIS, Association Energie Environnement .. NB: Do not confuse these two types of solar towers: the Nazare or Michaud type vortex tower (rotational flow wirling system) with the simple Schlaich Bergermann solar chimney (single flow upwind system), discussion here. The idea of ​​harnessing a "wind [...]

Download: Renewable energies for transport: comparative solutions by Jacobson

Multicriteria study from Stanford University comparing the different renewable energies potentially usable in the transport sector by Mark Z. Jacobson. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-4020, USA. Tel: (650) 723-6836 Abstract This paper reviews and ranks major proposed energy-related solutions to global warming, air pollution mortality, and energy […]

Download: Calculation of a solar exchanger

Estimation of the area and length of a solar exchanger in simple copper tube (without fins) immersed in a solar thermal buffer .xls spreadsheet (OpenOffice compatible) allowing to determine the area and length of a solar exchanger for solar tank or buffer thermal. This exchanger is the primary solar exchanger, it is therefore mounted on the primary circuit side. […]

Download: Solar Stirling Engine by Sunmachine

Filmed in Paris at the end of June 2008: a solar stirling cogeneration engine with parabolic concentrator. Price: € 30 excluding tax. Availability: summer 000. Power: 2008kW electric + 3kW thermal. Find out more: Paris Renewable Energies Fair or read concentrated solar thermal power plants. Download the file (a subscription to the Newsletter can be […]

Download: Solar water pump without electricity, Fluidyne

Study, plans and realization of a solar water pump (or by other heat source): the Fluidyne by François Lanzetta, Julien Boucher, Philippe Nika. FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS UMR 6174, CREST Department. Technology park, 2 avenue Jean Moulin, 90000 Belfort Summary The Fluidyne type water pump is a low thermal energy conversion machine […]

A solar and wood house in Lorraine: work, plans and photos self-construction

Here is the complete presentation of a three-energy heating house: solar, wood and electric supplement located in Lorraine. This house "was" an electric house from the 80s that its owner completely transformed himself into a solar and wood house. The solar and wood duo constitutes for us the current compromise, the most econological of the moment. This […]