Home appliance watch measurements hold many surprises… bad most of the time.
These completely unnecessary consumption obviously induce hidden additional costs, generally more important for the environment (reasoning in primary energy equivalent) than for your money gate ... so there is no valid reason for this to change, on the contrary it allows to develop the power of energy operators.
Thus our HP printer consumes as much (9 to 10W) whether it is on or “completely” off (apparently, no led on!).
Here is the review, in video, of this printer consuming every year when left plugged in (I do not say switched on but simply plugged in, that is to say connected to the mains!) 24 hours a day, the equivalent in Primary Energy of a 400km route with an average car!
This video was made using a PM230 wattmeter.
Comment on the video about forums: consumption of an HP printer "off"
English version of this video: MythBuster: HP printer