SCPI: focus on the ISR label – a good way to invest ethically

Investing in SCPI allows you to diversify your portfolio and savings by purchasing shares that generate a regular return. By favoring companies with the SRI label, you favor investments that combine profitability and responsible commitments. Here are the extra-financial criteria taken into account. Some reasons to buy SCPI shares The real estate investment company represents […]

What is a Green SCPI?

A green SCPI, also known as an environmental SCPI, is a Civil Real Estate Investment Company specializing in environmentally friendly real estate investments. These SCPIs are focused on ecological real estate assets, such as high energy performance buildings, HQE (High Environmental Quality) certified buildings, installations using […]

Wallet with bank cards

An ethical bank: is it possible?

At a time when the major French banks are being singled out by NGOs because of the financing of fossil fuels, new players are emerging with one objective: to be more ethical and transparent vis-à-vis customers with regard to the use of their money. Ethical, social, green bank… What are they? The promise to invest […]

green economy

What is the green economy?

The green economy is a discipline aimed at the evolution of production and consumption patterns towards practices whose impact on the environment and the ecosystem is fairly minimal. It calls for an awareness of the interest of preserving the earth and its natural resources. In its simplest meaning, it encourages the reduction of emissions […]

eco-friendly gold jewelry

Ecological gold jewelry

For centuries, gold has been used to make jewelry. However, very often the practices related to the work of this noble material are doubtful. The exploitation of gold mines has a significant impact on the environment and authentic know-how. Fortunately, the jewelry sector is demystifying, ethical creation thus becomes a priority and […]

green economy

The principles of the green economy

The green economy represents all the economic activities generated directly or indirectly through the production of goods and services. It is a synonym of the neologism that is econology. This discipline seeks to eliminate the multiple nuisances against the environment. The green economy is one of the major levers of sustainable development. It is also a factor of equity […]