Download the summary of the socio-economic study of the negaWatt scenario.
Summary: Publication of the socio-economic study of the negaWatt 2011 scenario
Eighteen months after the publication of its "2011-2050 energy scenario" and just over a year after the publication of its Manifesto, the negaWatt association wishes to make a new contribution to the National Energy Transition Debate. This time it focuses on the results of a study on the impact on employment and the economy of the implementation of the negaWatt scenario in the main sectors concerned by the energy transition.
In order to guarantee the validity of the approach and the relevance of the results, it was essential to call on recognized skills in the field of economic and social analysis: this is what was brought - along with other consultations - the expertise of Philippe Quirion, CNRS researcher at the CIRED laboratory in Paris, whom we would like to thank for the time spent and the thoroughness of the work carried out.
Like any economic study, the one presented here has limits and uncertainties: we fully assume them while of course remaining ready to discuss them. But the rigor of the method and the robustness of the results allow us to endorse the conclusions in full, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Extending the energy results of the négaWatt scenario, this new step in the negaWatt association's debate over more than ten years focuses on employment. It will be supplemented by an analysis of the costs and modes of financing the energy transition.
More: debate on the Negawatt 2011 scenario