Faced with the surge in oil prices which he considers sustainable, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin once again urged the French, Monday, September 12 on RMC, to "integrate this change into - their - behavior and therefore to decrease [their] consumption ”.
In the immediate future, the head of government announced the establishment of a transport ticket which should allow motorists to deduct from their taxes a "kilometer amount" corresponding to the journey they must make to go to work.
Econology note: Still nice words and emergency action not changing our dependence on oil !!
So gentlemen of the government ... when is the release of real public research and development funds? "real" solutions ? I am thinking in particular, but not only, of vegetable oils in short supply chains and water doping?
Seems to me, in front of so much desolation, I think it's now it's up to us to act… Legally or not…