Mondial auto, green communication, complacent press and… nothing in fact! - by Zorro on 14/11/2004 / 18:58
A large bi annual Mass Global Auto 2004 Paris, all the specialized press (! Or not) was the appointment: 1 460 803 visitors and especially small increase 10732 55% of which foreign journalists)
What for?
This is an opportunity for French journalists, mainly Parisians, to review the press officers, make an appointment for the press tests and to share petits fours and other VIP attentions, starting with the famous press kits !! There, between the glossy pages and other photos (in duplicate with the Cd ROM!?!) Not a derogatory question ”nor a word on the values of Scx, increase in mass, the uselessness of electronic gadgets to reliability doubtful (prices drawn oblige!) or overconsumption due to 4-wheel drive !! Of course, here and there, information on more or less alternative energies: hydrogen, heat pump or LPG (see also… But almost nothing to buy that is valid in concessions !! However, progress is only worth if it is shared is not it? And in front of energy waste and its pollution, "we" are passing the buck. For example, the legislation obliges LPG vehicles to also be gasoline, therefore rather disappointing technical compromise or even "So light up your codes!" »To over-consume by 2 to 8% and thus… compensate for the radar effect and its drop in average speeds. Indeed, the TV newspapers announced this summer that in 2003 the consumption of fuels ... fell by 1% in France! That is to say 1 billion euros of TIPP in month despite the 4 × 4 in the USA fashion! And I bet you that this stupid measure refused by Europe in 2001 will be voted within 4 months: security has a good back in this country of hypocrites in power !! On this subject JP Jabouille moreover confided on RTL in front of a very embarrassed journalist "To want too much to prevent us from dying, we are prevented from living! ".
The media so complacent, sufficient and honeyed with wishes, are in fact, to boot !! advertisers advertising revenues (down from 2 years) represent between 50 and 80% of their income (100% for free) .They therefore can not write anything right and they often ignore or make fun of sustainable development in Paris selfish good, already mired in its pollution!
Finally to end it, know that the manufacturer does not reduce consumption (or so little in the face of the increase in weight and Scx aerodynamics which has worsened for 30 years!) But then cleansed up. Just to respect the standards for homologation and… sell! And how do these vehicles age in terms of pollution? It is not the phony and complacent technical control, competition obliges, set up which will be able to tell us in a reliable way. However, already 735 million cars under 3.5 T in the world: how many VW Lupo 3 Liters or Audi A2 TDI? Audi will stop this model: too smart for the brand's “traditional” customers who prefer to display themselves in A3 or bigger of course! Only ecological tax incentives could save these models and resuscitate our Citroën ECO 2000, Peugeot VERA and other Renault VESTA 1 and 2 prototypes from 1984 ... less polluting is FIRST LESS CONSUMING at iso comfort if possible! But short-term profits and lobbies hold up in Brussels. Where are the journalists worthy of the name ??? They really do not need a press card to relay the communication of the major car assemblers (80% are made by equipment manufacturers!).
Man is indeed the only predator of man. CQFD.
Marc, mechanical engineer INSA.