Senseo coffee machine clogged or dirty that no longer flows? Clean it to increase its life and prevent breakdown!

Since 2015, about 2 years, I use a Senseo 2 or 3 times a day almost every day. The lime light has been on for months, but I only noticed a real drop in flow a few days ago. And a lower flow rate means shorter coffees, since the quantity is managed by time delay, not by a flowmeter ...

So I had coffees that were starting to be rikiki… the easy cleaning method is explained below.

This Senseo machine has achieved between 1500 and 2000 cycles, most of the time double coffees. It is a Philips Senseo model but I think the method may be valid for other brands.

Lime indicator light on for 6 months: no way to turn it off but the coffees are good?!?

The "limestone" light has been on for 6 months already (therefore approximately 18 months after purchase). This without finding any loss of flow but I still used the official anti-lime (2 doses were provided with the machine). However, the light remained on. The official anti-limestone is, in fact, powdered citric acid… (and certainly sold 10 times more expensive under the Senseo brand than it costs otherwise… but here is not the debate).

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I then made 2 or 3 reserves with pure white vinegar… without better result: the indicator light is also on. I did not insist: the flow was good.

We can still wonder on what physical criterion this limestone light is on ...

In any case, it is not a measurement by a pH probe that turns it off nor a pressure sensor… can we assume a simple cycle counting therefore based on no real physical scale of scale? Maybe …… Just to scare the housewife? I would be interested to know how to turn it off anyway!

The flow (and size of my coffees) drops sharply a few days ago!

But the flow has started to drop seriously and sharply in recent days ...

So I looked into the problem and the solution is, in my case, very, very simple! And I guess that's the case with a lot of Senseo's, which end up being thrown away or really broken down from being removed instead of just being cleaned up ...

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Indeed; it is not the inside of the Senseo machine that gets dirty, but simply the cup!

Here is the difference between a fouled cup and a clean cup:

Dirty senseo coffee cup, dirty and clogged

new senseo coffee cup

We can clearly see that the small hopper in the center is clogged. The method therefore consists in cleaning this hopper… quite simply!

A simple cleaning of the vinegar cup is enough!

The method therefore consists of lightly rubbing this hopper and passing vinegar through it, there is a calibrated valve to keep the coffee capsules under pressure, the flow "to the atmosphere" without pressure so will at best be a drop. to taste. The flow rate is about 2 or 3 drops per second when it is clean.

After 5 or 6 “vinegar” cycles, then 3 or 4 cups of hot water to rinse the cup of vinegarcleaning senseo vinegar

… The cup is clean and ready to be reused!

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This cleaning method is all the more interesting, as in the end, this clogging will make the pump work harder, which risks greatly limiting its service life ... and creating a fault which is therefore much more expensive to repair (and in most cases it is not ...)

That's this little cleaning Senseo has allowed my machine to find a new youth!

2 comments on “Senseo coffee machine clogged or clogged that no longer runs? Clean it to increase its lifespan and avoid breakdown! ”

  1. It is normal for the limescale indicator to not automatically reset itself after descaling if the Philips procedure is not followed.

    There are 2 methods to do it:

    A) Quick method:

    Disconnect the power cord.
    Press the M / A and 2T buttons
    Without releasing the buttons, reconnect the mains plug.

    B) Longer method of Philips:

    Follow the longer philips procedure explained here:

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