Oxfam campaign Anti Agrofuels

Oxfam, CCFD - Terre solidaire and Friends of the Earth have just launched an information campaign and a petition against agrofuels.

We relay this campaign vonlontier well and are pleased that the term agrofuel and not of Biographyfuel is used. Thus this campaign condemns only 1st generation biofuels (i.e. biofuels made from food plants and which are now and rightly called agrofuels) and not the principle of biofuels as a whole (like many other media or environmentalists have already done so unfortunately…).

For information, we proposed this distinction in December 2007 on Econologie.com! (see: Biofuel or agrofuel, choose!)

The campaign concerns and denounces especially:
a) the tension on food prices (supposedly, according to traders, because of biofuels but we understood that it was mainly speculation ...)
b) the unacceptable coupling between certain agricultural products and the price of oil! A bit like the price of firewood is coupled with the price of oil… but obviously worse!

Read also:  Study on the environmental and health standards for construction products

- The Official Site of the Campaign
- Debate and discussion: Campaign against agrofuels (Oxfam and environmentalists)

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