Tutorial: How to change his first Pantone engine?
Tags: howto, modification, editing, pantone, how, why, benefits.
You have already heard about the Pantone process without ever dared try it yourself? You have an available engine and would like to test this process which you have heard so much about? These pages are for you!
They will help you modify your "first" engine so that it becomes much less polluting and consumes a little less fuel ( the reality has nothing to do with the 70 or 80% water that can be read on the net… it's rubbish!)
This document is therefore a quick presentation of Paul Pantone's “invention”, followed by plans and advice for building your first prototype. The assembly shown is based on a small mower motor.
Be careful, these tips are far from applicable to your vehicle (car or motorcycle) which will require much more work. In addition, this is generally the case with “water doping” which is used in the case of a modification on the vehicle. To see concrete examples of pantonized vehicles on the forum, click here
We do not accept any liability if these tips are used for application on public roads.
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