Fukushima nuclear disaster, the other Chernobyl?

No one can ignore the desperate nuclear situation at the Fukushima 1 Daiichi power plant anymore… We are facing a desperate situation despite the attempts to minimize the industrial players or the government but also, and this is less understandable or acceptable, some players French politicians… On econologie.com, we are not “viscerally” anti-nuclear: we […]

lifetime of nuclear power plants and new types of reactors

Report on the lifespan of nuclear power plants and new types of nuclear reactors Parliamentary report of the National Assembly, 2003. This report of 363 pages in .pdf makes a technical and economic inventory of civilian nuclear technology for the production of electricity and includes 3 essential parts: Chap. 1: Management of […]

Shale gas extraction, environmental and health risks

Review Panel on the Shale Gas Industry. Inquiry and public hearing report Quebec report by the BAPE (Bureau of public hearings on the environment) of 144 pages on the exploration and exploitation of shale gas and the potential environmental, health and social problems of its exploitation . Introduction Shale gas exploration and exploitation projects […]