Economic growth without environmental pollution?

Can we let the developing countries pollute as much as we, the rich countries, polluted? Before being partially engulfed by the deluge of rain that flooded 75% of the Indonesian capital in early February, Jakarta had already had its share of bad news. One of them, which concerns air pollution, would almost make flooding enviable: according to […]

Global warming and capitalism ...

Global warming, nuclear energy and environmental issues are in the news all the time. A number of “environmentalists” - such as Nicolas Hulot - claim that environmental issues transcend class struggle and the opposition between rich and poor. Nonsense! Ecological problems, and the potential environmental catastrophe we are facing, […]

Do you

Portail Environnement, developed by Recyconsult, brings together 13 specific websites dedicated to the environment and sustainable development to allow everyone, according to their expectations, to quickly and efficiently access the information they need. This set of sites is the ideal tool to support Internet users throughout their environmental journey. The gate […]