Earth disease

Hubert Reeves Format: Paperback - 260 pages - Publisher: Seuil (April 1, 2003) Our planet is going badly: global warming, depletion of natural resources, soil and water pollution caused by civil and war industries, disparity of wealth, human malnutrition, staggering rate of extinction of living species, etc. Is the situation […]

Energy, ecology, economy

Pillet & T. Odum 257 pages (July 30, 1998) The authors try to find a methodical passage between ecology and economy (econology?). The vector they use is that of energy. Rather technically oriented, the economic point of view is not neglected by the authors. Econology comments Excellent introduction to eco-energy analysis and to […]

When Science said: it's impossible

Collective of author Paperback - 159 pages (1999) Abstract A philosopher, three scientists and an illustrator present here twelve impossibilities: mathematics, physics, biological, etc. A fruitful reflection on the nature of science and its limits Econology comments Reflections on scientific thought and dogmatism which, by definition, cannot exist! “Hundreds of experiments are […]

Freud and Tesla

Robert Dilts 391 pages (November 4, 1996) Desclée de Brouwer; (The Strategies of Engineering) Abstract From the analysis of the behaviors of Freud and the engineer Tesla, the author examines the processes of creation of these two men of genius using the tools of neurolinguistic programming (NLP ). Each of us can develop our own […]

The Green Deception

Pierre Kohler 280 pages, September 3, 2002, Albin Michel Resumé At the end of a long investigation, Pierre Kohler, who for more than twenty years was head of RTL's scientific information service, reveals the strange collusion that unites environmentalists, scientists, industrialists, politicians and journalists for "ideological" or mercantile purposes. The laudable struggle […]